Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Thanks Amanda! You're almost turning into a computer geek! hehehehe...

Yestday I went hiking with Scott. I learned of a new trail and I learned a lot about him. He reminds me a lot of my mom! He's into esp and dreams; he's a psych major - go figure. His home town is just outside of Boston and is here on exchange from Amherst for a year. Scott paints very well, his style looks like Van Gogh crossed with Aboriginee art. He's a mixed bag- he does yoga, meditation, a few years as a manager of a resturant, and is president of his tower. He's also 25!

Oh and I've got to recommend Bowling for Columbine (movie). It's an exellant documentary about gun control, it blew me away. lol It involves a lot of dark humor, but with some heavy hitting points.

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