Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Next Wednesday I'm going to Maui with my roomate for Thanksgiving!!!! I can't wait!

I skipped my first class today. I didn't go to religion class because I was too tired. But out of all my classes that's the only one that I can miss safely. So I had good timing.

Registration is coming up soon! I can't wait to get a lot of science classes! And since all of a sudden I'm a BS (I don't know how that happened) I don't have to take Biology lab, which I hear is a killer!

I got a Hawaii State Library card today! And I checked out 'A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper'. It's about all the math stuff in news articles, so basically real life.

I'm not backpackless anymore!

Rainbows have been arching across the sky all day! There was a double one just outside our window.

I watched Scott play a 3-3 tournement. It was interesting, I normally don't watch basketball so it was a change of pace.

So my mission.....
I am starting, by getting a library card. I want to do a lot of reading, and experiment with stuff like art on my own time. Just expanding my knowledge of everything, and getting to know myself on the way.

Anyway back to the homework...

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