Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I just pierced my lip!!! Just a few mins ago and it feels wierd. My lip is swollen and will be for awhile. But overall I'm very happy. :) (Of course the shock hasn't worn off yet)
Pics are up on my picture page.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Just because I am trying to avoid studying, I'll put this up. It's interesting, but I hate putting categories on this stuff. And the some of the questions are ambigious. So don't label me for this! But here goes....

Your political compass

Economic Left/Right: -8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.54

Yesterday I worked my ass off on studying and writing papers. I took a break to see Murph, because he was on campus staying up late doing papers too. It ended up wondering around the student union at 2am and having his car stall out a million times trying to get back to campus from running an errand to his house. At 4am we pass out in my dorm only to wake up at 6am. He had to work at the Slutty Goose, while I worked on another paper and then worked on some sleep, to wake up to my first final. 1 quiz, 1 final, 1 big paper, 2-3 small papers,and 3 overdue homework assignments to go. Tuesday at 5pm it is all over. I might get to stay at a hotel at Dartmouth and Wednesday I'm going swing dancing!!

I will prevail!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ok so I'll actually update.
  • Moving off campus with into a friend's apt, Steph, and her roomie, Adena
  • Got a summer job - desk recptionist on campus
  • Taking French I & II this summer
  • Going to Alaska to visit Kate this summer
  • Dying for summer to start
  • Earthfoods: going to be on the hiring committee!
  • Classes next semester: Marxian Economics, Political Economy of Women, Jr Writing or National Liberation of Africa
  • Yes, still dating the Murphy boy

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Alternative Spring Break pictures are up!!
When I get time I'll try to update! Just imagine stories as you look at the pictures. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Saturday morning I leave for Virgina. A 14hr van ride with 10 other people in the van. Call me on Friday or IM me, cause I won't be in contact with anyone. I'm not allowed to use my cell phone. Which I'm a bit bummed about. But I can't wait. I'm nervous too. What are we going to be doing? Good question. We will paint and fix buildings, but mostly we will immerse ourselves in their community and culture. We will listen and learn. We'll go to church with them.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

STPEC is my new major. Social Thought and Political Economy. It's a real hippie major. But I can't wait to take the classes. I also need to figure out what minors I'm going to do to make it a more practical education.
I've got to bring back the anarchy symbols and the green hair!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Afraid of the dark?:____
Like to listening to loud music?:______
Can you stand listing to me flatten my soda?:______
Do you like Gilmore Girls?:____
Have a car?____
Top 3 things you wish you could be?:
Are you morally against doing dishes?:_____
If a man with a sinister smile holding a cake knocked on our door, what would you do?:_________
Are you willing to cook dinner 5 nights a week?:____
Thank you!

Hmmm... there are a lot of food refrences... I guess my stomach is trying to tell me something...
I've got to start looking for a roommate for the summer, and maybe a third roomie for the school yr! Man, I better start making those applications...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

So I guess I'll update. Umm.... so I go on my retreat this weekend. I get to sleep on the floor of a church and sit around for hours and tell stories that will make us cry. But it sounds fun. I hate going to class.
Umm...Valentines Day is coming up. Yuck.
I'm tired. My tetnus shot is making my arm hurt.
No one is online, you people suck.
Did I mention I'm tired......

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

A lexicographic error is an inaccurate entry in a dictionary.

Monday, January 10, 2005

I hate the suburbs.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

21 more days to go. I've already had 17 days of vacation. I don't know if I can stand any more vacation. I get so antsy to go back to Amherst that I can't even relax watching television. I can't wait to live off campus so that I can stay in Amherst as long as I like. Imagine it, in the begining of this semester I hated Amherst. Although now I'm understanding the beauty and uniqueness of it. When I first saw the Hill Country in Texas, I hated it too. But I think everyone melts away their dislike for the landscape after their first March. (Bluebonnet season) Now I'm stuck here in Hamden, without a car/good bus system in the winter and with very few friends. If anyone has any ideas of what to do with myself please let me know.
I spent New Years weekend with Murph. It was great. And I have to brag that my boyfriend made me dinner everynight, and he's a great cook, even if he is a vegetarian.*
I checked out a lot of books to read. Although one of them turned out to be about white supremecy. I also checked out The Phantom Tollbooth and a book about Phi (Golden Mean). At some point I have to analyse the prices for Earthfoods and paint the walls. I should do that, just to ward of insanity. I have all these things on my To Do list, but when I wake up at 11am, I don't feel like doing any of them. Then by evening I get bored, but I'm too settled to do anything about it. Vicious cycle.
This journal feels more like a press release than a diary. Because I know anything that I write down is probably going to haunt me later.
I almost wish insanity was kicking in, because that sounds a lot more fun than this. Like directing traffic with a scuba diving mask and a ping pong paddle. (Benny and Joon refrence) Perhaps I'll just write a twenty page journal entry. Oh wait, I've never written twenty pages in my life.
I really don't want to paint my beautiful walls. Sure they're wierd looking, but they're mine.
I found this while mulling through the internet:
Je suis petite. C'est ce qu'ils disent tous. Trop petite pour leur monde de géants.Ils disent que je suis un bébé dans un corps de femme, que jamais je ne changerai dedans, et que plus mon corps devient fort, plus il y a de l'espace dans ma tête, de l'espace vide, inutile, que je ne peux pas remplir avec leurs histoires de grands. Moi je me sens énorme dedans. Forte à soulever des montagnes, à souffler sur les nuages pour éclairer le ciel. Immense à prendre le monde entier dans mes deux mains pour le caresser, le rendre gentil, panser les blessures des forêts mutilées, boire les rivières souillées de notre ingratitude.
Which translates to:
I am small. This says it all. Too small for their world of giants. They say that I am a baby in a woman's body, that never I will not change inside, and that the stronger my body becomes, the more there is space in my head, of empty space, useless, that I cannot fill with their large stories. Me I feel enormous inside. Strong enough to raise mountains, to blow on the clouds to light the sky. Immense to take the whole world in my two hands to cherish it, make it nice, bandage the wounds of the mutilated forests, to drink the soiled rivers of our ingratitude.
*You know I love those vegetarians.
Maybe if I do all the things on my To Do list, then I can feel free to go insane. Then I could make forts and attack the kitchen table, sing songs that I made up, and glue macaroni to my hair.