Tuesday, June 29, 2004

So I'm off tomArrow. I'll be gone 2 weeks. First to Arkansas to visit my grandma and dad, then to Texas to see Amanda. When I come back I move to Amherst the same day (essentially). So it will be awhile untill I'm online again.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

If you see the movie, here's an article to read. It points out some of it's flaws, but I also don't agree with everything it says. But it's good to see the other side of the issue. Let me know what you think!
Go now. Go see Fahrenheit 9/11.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I so sorry that Teddy's bf broke up with her. But he kinda sounds like me when I broke up with Scott, so I have a good feeling that things will work out somehow in someway.

Scott left on Monday! :( I miss him already.

Wednesday I leave for Arkansas and Texas!!

As of right now I'm packing packing packing...the story of my life.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

TomArrow it's my mom's and Scott's birthday! One turns 26 the other 55, guess which age belongs to who...
Scott is coming down tomarrow morning! I can't wait!!

Monday, June 14, 2004

I slept over Teddy's house last night. It was fun. We went shopping and hung around. I miss sleepovers.

I did not go to my driver's test, because I didn't feel prepared because I can't back up very well, plus I was still in MA.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Today was my first day at the Discovery room. It was soo much fun. I am definatly doing this next summer. I got to play running around peek a boo with a little boy. I watched children discover rocks and frogs and rabbit skins!

Yes its true, I'm falling hard for Scott. I know it's only been a week since I've seen him, and it will only be a week until I see him again, and then 4 weeks after that, but I miss him!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I don't think my life will be complete until I solve a murder mystery or until I've been chased by someone other than in the game tag.

Monday, June 07, 2004

What can I say? I'm crazy. I'm acting like a 14yr old as my mom said. I can't explain it. It just happened.

So I see Scott at the bus station, and he looks different. It took me awhile to figure out that it was his hair cut. He looks good. For the first couple of minutes it was awkward; I was also very tired so I wasn't very chatty. (and yes I realize that I'm switching tenses) He shows me his home town of Lexington, Massachusetts. Adorable, cute, charming!

When we get to his house I get to meet his younger sisters and his cat. Shortly after we are on the road to his family's farmhouse in the country of New Hampshire. During our mini road trip we talked and talked and sang to the radio. I began to realize how much I missed him.

I spent a whole week with him and I never got tired of him. In fact it rekindled my love for him. I can't believe I miss him now that I'm home!!