Saturday, May 01, 2004

It's 10am and I should be asleep. I went to sleep at 5am, but as the rule goes (for me at least) if I go to bed late, I will ALWAYS wake up around 9am.

Last night I went to the Blue Tropix club. There were monkeys encased behind the bar! :( Poor poor monkeys. Kate and I arrived a little early, around 10:30pm. By 11:30 the place was "poppin". It took me awhile to get over my shyness on the dance floor. But once I got into it, dancing was fun. There was one thing I was not expecting. Ok, I knew that guys were going to try to dance with me. But I had no idea how forceful they were going to be about it. Some guys kept chasing me all over the dance floor, one guy backed off when he rubbed his ass at me and I laughed, another grabbed me from behind, kept looking down my shirt and wouldn't let go of my hands which scared me, and another took my hands and wrapped them around his neck and pulled me in and then picked me up! I'm never ever ever going to a club alone, and preferably I'd like to have a guy friend in the group too! Anyway, we left around 1am and went home. I was saturated with the smell of smoke. My shower didn't completely cleanse me. It's embedded in my skin and hair. YUCK! There were some cute guys there, but if they weren't smoking they would have been hot. Oh and there was one guy that didn't creep me out who was from Australia, which we talked about. So that was my big adventure. Naive Ada learns to carry mace with her at all times.

When I came home, I hung out with the guys until 5am, playing card games and channel surfing.

Excuse me while I become lazy...

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