Wednesday, May 12, 2004

That's the word of the week. More than one girl friend I know has cried more than once each day of the week. That's pretty interesting. How often girls cry and it doesn't mean anything really, just letting a little steam out. I do it too, though I think my mom's mellowness has influenced me somewhat. Thanks! It's so draining to cry! Although it is definatly needed at times. I find that cussing a lot helps me, although I try to keep it to just inanimate objects. Or talking to myself outloud. The older I get, the worse that habit gets. Just wait until I'm 80!

It finally has hit me that I'm leaving. I'm getting in the moving mode. Seeing things in front of my face as if they are a memory.

Calculus final tomarrow, I'm excited!

So many things to do that have nothing to do with finals! I can't wait until next year when I'll be more settled in my next school. Although it seems I don't do that well when I know I'll be there for awhile, it just feels so unnatural.

Being a beach bum tomarrow!

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