Monday, February 09, 2004

Okay so I admit I've been arrogent. In astronomy everything has been review so I haven't been reading or paying attention to the details, so my grades aren't as high as they should be. BUT this teacher is an ass!!! He boosts his ego at the expense of his student's educations. I don't come to class to be humilated. Does he honestly think embarrassement is the best way to encourage learning? He won't answer questions, but when he does he'll make you feel like an idiot. This is college, I didn't think that he was going to ask us what we know when we obviously don't know it. And for god sake...what kind of teacher rewards someone for not cheating, with embarrassement?

What happened to me today was this.....I've been bored out of my mind in class because it is all old news for me, but the ONE day he asks ME a question, I don't know the answer.

Thank god this school lets the students do an end of semester evaluation of the teachers! I'm am going to really let him have it! I hope he gets a good long talking to.

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