Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Freaking out slighty...
-I have an a paper due next Tuesday, and yet I don't know what it is because the prof says it's up on the webpage, but I don't see it!!!
-Then, I don't have any classes on Wed before Thanksgiving....execpt the one at 6.30pm-9.30pm!
-Financial Aid is being a pain in the ass....if they don't process this paper work by Friday, I won't be able to register for spring classes!
-The math department is a pain too. No one knows what the requirements are! Not even my advisor!
-And don't get me started on the drama at work...
And on top of it all, I'm going to be PMSing soon, that is if I'm not already.


Kate said...

Sure Amanda like going to Tech would make it soooo... much better. All schools have their little/big problems. I should know... my math teacher mom has been to many schools, and I have been to a few myself.
Anyhow, Ada, take a deep breath... and I'm going to tell you what everyone has been telling me... you'll be fine. You're not going to die. Although stress sure makes you feel like you might.
And I know this never makes anyone feel better, but "If it makes you feel better..." I have TONS going on as well.
Take care of yourself.

Kate said...

Ohh.. I see... in that case... I was going to say she should transfer to UAF... but that's probably wouldn't be good... lol Our math dept. sucks.