Tuesday, September 28, 2004

For those of you who know how much I love to argue, you can see why I got so much delight out of this website that I owe Tolly credit to directing me to. http://www.mil-millington.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/things.html


Anonymous said...

You are my sweetness, you are my sorrow.

I once knew you, and I once loved you. Now I shall enter the deepest and darkest part of my heart. My Love burns like acid as my heart turns to stone. Hate enters my body as a river flowing into the ocean. Hurt fills my days, and my empty nights with whispers of a love lost and forgotten. I cry myself to sleep at night, of friendships destroyed and thrown away like an old newspaper. Emptiness surrounds me from every direction as only a sucker can feel after the prank is over.

I once believed that you were my friend. No friend would do what you have done.

You are my sweetness, you are my sorrow.

Kate said...


I like the website by the way Ada.

But this poem... I don't even know what to say about it... other than if it's written by who I think it's written by... it's cruel. And "Ouch". *hug*

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to get in on this shit. Hey ada, u smell nice...actually u dont cuz i believe u've gone more days without a shower than i have...and thats fuckin horrendous....hahahaha